
10 Incredible tools for building your agency’s digital content strategy

Julie Ewald content marketing, digital marketing

Yes, content is still king! But content alone isn’t going to bring that optimal ROI you’ve been telling your clients about. As a marketer, you should know that content without a strategy is like a king without his cavalry. Over 90 percent of marketers use content marketing to attract and capture leads. However, only 41 percent of B2B Marketers have a


Your first step to a Marketing Strategy Roadmap: The Brand Blueprint

Julie Ewald branding, content strategy, marketing strategy

As an entrepreneur that had, at some point, defined your product or service, you now feel ready to start showing it off to the world.  You want to start churning out content, attracting traffic that will turn into leads and convert to customers before they even know what hit them. If only B2B marketing would be that simple…

Illustration on red background of two people in masks an appropriate distance apart, hugging in spirit

COVID-19 crisis communications for B2B brands

Julie Ewald content strategy, FAQ, marketing strategy

With the current COVID-19 global pandemic, crisis communications are suddenly one of the many new things businesses are finding themselves wrestling with. It’s understandable. Knowing what to say to your clients, leads, and other list members — and if you should say something at all — is an incredible challenge. There is no single “right” thing to say, but there are plenty of wrong things that could come off as tone-deaf, insensitive, oblivious, or worse — creating negative, lasting repercussions for your brand.

illustration of a woman in from of a laptop with a white paper floating out of it's screen

What’s the deal with white papers?!

Julie Ewald content marketing

B2B tech marketing can’t thrive on blog posts and infographics alone. While short-form content is essential in any content marketing strategy, it’s not enough to generate the type of engagement necessary when selling tech products. You need heavier content that describes pain points, teaches and suggests solutions based on substantial research and documentation — content like white papers. White paper


5 reasons your business needs a blog marketing strategy in 2019

Julie Ewald blogging, content marketing, content strategy, SEO Leave a Comment

Whether you’re selling products or services, online or off, your business can benefit from a blog greatly. But, simply tossing some blog posts in WordPress won’t do the trick. Blogging doesn’t have that much in common with Field of Dreams. Just because you publish doesn’t mean they’ll come.